What's up next? Here is a guide on what to expect once your cancer treatment ends.

Reducing Stress
Survivors of cancer can use exercise, creative outlets, mind-body methods, sharing personal stories, and laughter to help reduce their stress.

Stages of Cancer Survivorship
There are three stages to cancer survivorship: living with cancer, living through cancer, and living beyond cancer.

Surviving the After Effects of Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment can leave you with side effects after the treatment stops. This is a list of common problems people experience as after effects of cancer treatment.

Cancer survivors should have a goal to adapt to life after cancer.

Survivorship Questions
Cancer survivors face a lot of questions. This list can help answer some of the questions you may have after surviving cancer.

TCI Survivor's Guide
The Survivor's Guide can provide a place to record doctor's notes and provide information from diagnosis to treatment and into survivorship.

What is Survivorship?
Survivorship includes follow-up cancer care and coping to life beyond cancer.